Back! – VideoDanza – 03,27 min.

Back! 03,27 min. VideoDanza il titolo del secondo video prodotto da  Leonardo Lambruschini e Gaetano Mastrocinque.
Dopo “Argille” 5.48 min VideoArte – Girato nel 2015 che riscuote ancora parere positivo dalla giuria dei Festival internazionali di video arte.
“Back!” come per “Argille”è stato realizzato in una 24 ore da un’idea di Leonardo e Gaetano rimanendo volutamente aperta all’improvvisazione durante il girato.

back! 1 (1)

Guarda il trailer 

Back! video-dance (ITA,2018, 03’25”min)

Support, balance, tension towards a balance. back! is an allegory about what’s behind an action or a thought. The shadow is the field of birth of the intentions of an encounter taking place in the space ”behind”, between the visible and the invisible, in an industrious regulation and search for stability. back! insists on the urgency of a union that guarantees compensation and consequently the coexistence between vertigo and harmony.

Sostenere, bilanciare, tendere a un equilibrio, back! è un’allegoria attraverso la retro-azione e il retro-pensiero. Nell’ombra avviene la gestazione delle intenzioni di un incontro che avviene nello spazio-dietro, tra visibile e invisibile, in una operosa regolazione e ricerca di stabilità. back! insiste sull’urgenza di un unione che garantisca la compensazione e di conseguenza la convivenza tra vertigine e armonia.

Official Selections:

2018 – Stockholm Dansfilmfestival (Stockholm_Sweden)
2018 – Vetllada de Videodansa a la Mostra Viva del Mediterrani (Valencia_Spain)
2018 – 26ª Quinzena de Dança de Almada (Almada_Portugal)
2018 – Guiar – Screendance International Festival (Recife, Pernambuco_Brazil)
2018 – Mostra Internacional de Videodança de São Carlos (São Carlos_Brazil)

Produced by Gaetano Maria Mastrocinque and Leonardo Lambruschini
Sponsored and Distribution by Spazio Seme
Choreographer: Leonardo Lambruschini
Performers: Leonardo Lambruschini e Mario Ghezzi
Director: Gaetano Maria Mastrocinque
D.o.p: Filippo Passarini
Editor: Elia Balloni
Color correction: Gianluca Bennati
Gaffer: Alberto Rinnovati
Music: Indian Wells



Leonardo Lambruschini (ITA)

Dancer and performer. Co-founder and Art Director of Spazio Seme, an international cultural Arts Center in Arezzo (Tuscany). There we create opportunities for research, organize and manage festivals, intensive workshops, performances, artistic productions and residencies.
I teach Contact Improvisation for adults and students at Art Schools and Universities. I’ve been teaching CI in Italy, India, France, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Russia, Georgia, Northern Ireland, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. I am one of the organizers of ItalyContactFest – – an international festival of Contact Improvisation.


Mario Ghezzi (ITA)
Performer, movement researcher, yoga teacher and Chinese Medicine practitioner.
His personal research in movement and improvisation is influenced by western and chinese anatomies, Taoism, Tai Chi, Butoh.
As dance/movement teacher he’s interested in discover our personal ways of dancing and performing.
He regularly teaches Contact and improvisation in classes and workshop around Europe, and performs in site specific and theater projects with dancers, actors, musicians.
Mario is a co-organizer of the ItalyContactFest, italian Festival of Contact Improvisation.