OPERA SEME 2024 | International program of voice


An opera immersion experience in Tuscany, Italy

Opera Seme | June 30 – July 28, 2024 – III Edition

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  • Video Audition and Application Deadline: January –  2024




– 23-27 July 2024 – Arezzo 



Opera Seme | 2023 – II Edition

June 24 – July 23

International Program of Voice & Festival

Opera Seme Festival 2023

Masterclass – Opera Seme Festival


Opera Seme | 2022 – I Edition

June 26 – July 25

International Program of Voice 

Friends University Chapman University & Spazio Seme


Program description

The program was born from an idea of Spazio Seme, international art center of Arezzo with the collaboration of Friends University (Kansas) and the partnership of Chapman University (California) and thanks to the collaboration of Oida Orchestra instabile di Arezzo, Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo , CAMU, AB Centre, Arezzo Sport College and Sandy Caffé.

“Opera Seme” a one-month training course, where musicians live a residential and performative experience in Italy, through the study of the language and a “full immersion” in Italian culture, following a coaching program, masterclasses, workshops about  voice, opera, mise en scéne and guided tours.

The teachers are Italian and American professionals: Matthew Schloneger (Friends University), Jen Stephenson (Baylor University), J. Bradley Baker (Tarleton State University), Gianni Bruschi (Spazio Seme) and Eva Mei, refined soprano, professor at the Academy of Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, performer of Italian bel canto, with a long opera and chamber career and performances in the main European and world theaters, who held singing masterclasses for the participants and individual coaching for each singer. 

The master classes were also held by: Claire Singher (Opernhaus Zurich), Alison Trainer (Furman University), Adriana Zabala (Yale University), Paula Zacharías (Argentina).


Spazio Seme

It is an international center that has been active for 10 years in Arezzo and deals with all-round artistic training: from singing to theater, from storytelling to the arts of expressive movement. He has organized over 500 public entertainment events and 30 artistic residencies, brought shows to 34 countries, from Greece, Mexico to Norway, Ireland, Chile, Tunisia and India. It has been co-organizing and supporting the International Dance Festival for 10 years: “ItalyContactFest” with internationally renowned artists and dancers.


Performances realized during the Opera Seed programme

July 4th 2022 – Medici Fortress of Arezzo – “Classic Jazz & Broadway Concert”



Dedicated to the theme of diversity, inclusion and peace, within the “Estate in Fortezza” program promoted by the Guido di Arezzo Foundation.

An original production to celebrate the first 10 years of activity of Spazio Seme, bringing on stage 20 young American singers accompanied by the OIDA Orchestra Instabile di Arezzo, under the direction of Matthew Schloneger, Friends University.

On the occasion of the American Independence Day, the ensemble composed of classical musicians (Oida Orchestra) and Jazz musicians accompanied the voice of Gianni Bruschi and twenty young singers selected by Friends University (USA), for “Opera Seme International Program of Voice”, who performed a crossover between American music and Italian music of the twentieth century, enriched by readings on human rights.

Gianni Bruschi (voice), Lorenzo Rossi, first violin and artistic co-director of OIDA Orchestra Instabile di Arezzo, Marna Fumarola violin, Ivan Elefante trumpet, Elisa Pieschi cello, Santiago Fernandez piano, Francesco Sarrini double bass, Erika Capanni viola, Davide Montagnoli drums, Mattia Zecchi saxophone, Saverio Zacchei trombone, Lauren Koszyk keyboards, Rebecca Schloneger violin and Lily Schloneger violin.

Voices by: Mikayla Beck, Logan Briscoe, Naomi Cavanaugh, Katie Copeland, Paige Gadbois, Asael Gonzalez Castillo, Abigail Hale, Chenille Hawkins, Hannah Howard, Kelsey Huxman, Evangeline Mason, Julia Pace, Sophia Parker, Salma Pena, Clayton Reitz, Jordan Roth, Olivia Siri, Sam Scantlin, Davian Raggio, Makayla Flocken.

The concert is organized in collaboration with the Guido D’Arezzo Foundation, the Municipality of Arezzo and the Mengo Festival, and with the support of Sandy Caffè.

<iframe width=”790″ height=”444″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/13_rBhiVAo4″ title=”Opera Seme – Classic Jazz & Broadway Concert” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share” allowfullscreen></iframe>




Four shows, which staged the most beautiful operas

locandina opera seme




La_finta_giardiniera_©EricaAndreini_ANG_1675Wednesday 20 July, 9.15 pm Space Seed (free admission) “Opera scenes”, performance in some scenes taken from famous works by W. A. Mozart such as “Le Nozze di Figaro”, “Cosi fan tutte”, “Falstaff”, “La Clemenza di Tito” and jazz songs with the best of American songs of Broadway accompanied on the piano by teachers J. Bradley Baker (Tarleton State University) and Lauren Koszyk (Friends University) with stage direction by Claire Singher (Opernhaus Zürich), Matthew Schloneger (Friends University) and Gianni Bruschi (Spazio Seme).


La_finta_giardiniera_©EricaAndreini_AND_6624Thursday 21 and Friday 22 July, 8.30 pm (free admission) – Cloister of the Seminario  Diocesano of Arezzo the opera “La finta giardiniera” by W. A. Mozart is staged, one of the first compositions of the great musician, written at 17, certainly not his most famous, but undoubtedly a masterpiece from a musical point of view. With Lauren Koszyk on piano, Rebecca Schloneger and Lily Schloneger on violin together with strings (Emanuele Guadagni – viola, Francesco Sarrini – cello and Isabella Spadaro – violin) of OIDA Orchestra instabile di Arezzo directed by Jen Stephenson (Baylor University).


La_finta_giardiniera_©EricaAndreini_ANG_1676Saturday 23 July, at 11 pm, Chiesa della Badia (free admission) in Arezzo with the performance of “Mese Mariano” by Umberto Giordano, an opera based on a very popular drama, the story of a woman who visits an orphanage to see her own son, wracked with guilt for abandoning him, but discovers that the baby died the night before. Leading the singers is Jen Stephenson (Baylor University).





Friends University (lead university), Chapman University (official partner university), Augustana University, Baylor University, Eastern Illinois University, South Dakota State University, Tarleton State University, University of Kentucky, University of Michigan, University of Washington and University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Oida Orchestra Instabile, Fondazione Guido d’Arezzo, Mengo Music Fest




Prove_Broadway_AND_2682CaMu – Casa della Musica di Arezzo (studio), Arezzo Sport (accomodation) , Spazio Seme ( studio and performance), Fortezza Medicea of Arezzo (Concert), Seminario Vescovile (Opera), Chiesa della Badia (Opera), Alpha British Centre didactic studio.







Palazzo Pitti, Uffizi, Boboli – (Firenze)

Castiglion della Pescaia (Grosseto)


Students who participated in the program ed. 2022:

288063313_119123787479433_3509174852085390729_nMikayla Beck, Logan Briscoe, Naomi Cavanaugh, Katie Copeland, Paige Gadbois, Asael Gonzalez Castillo, Abigail Hale, Chenille Hawkins, Hannah Howard, Kelsey Huxman, Evangeline Mason, Julia Pace, Sophia Parker, Salma Pena, Clayton Reitz, Jordan Roth, Olivia Siri, Sam Scantlin, Davian Raggio, Makayla Flocken.



Lorenzo Rossi, primo violino e co-direttore artistico di OIDA Orchestra instabile di Arezzo, Marna Fumarola violino, Ivan Elefante tromba, Elisa Pieschi violoncello, Santiago Fernandez pianoforte, Francesco Sarrini contrabbasso, Erika Capanni viola, Davide Montagnoli batteria, Mattia Zecchi sassofono, Saverio Zacchei trombone, Lauren Koszyk tastiere, Rebecca Schloneger violino e Lily Schloneger violino.



Artistic Director

Dr. Matthew Schloneger, Friends University



Dr. Matthew Schloneger, Friends University

Dr. Jen Stephenson, Baylor University

Dr. J. Bradley Baker, Tarleton State University

Dr. Gianni Bruschi , Spazio Seme


Masterclass Guest Faculty

Eva Mei, Soprano

Claire Singher, Opernhaus Zürich

Alison Trainer, Furman University

Adriana Zabala, Yale University

