CI MARATON – Contact Improvisation

ci maraton2

47 hours of dance, for 47 dancers for the 47 years of Contact Improvisation.

We invite people from the international community with solid experience in the practice of CI to a continuous coexistence from the beginning to the end of the meeting.

We feel that putting ourselves in extreme conditions we’ll open us to an experimentation that links us with the origins of the CI, creating a space of encounter and exploration that can open new doors to our dance.

We believe that a dance journey that does not stop us from dancing all night until dawn, changes our perception and our relationship with the movement in itself. It also put us in conditions of managing the energies and our resources. For this we invite all participants to hold the space and dance throughout the meeting with responsibility and attention to their own needs.

We will eat, sleep and dance in common spaces.

We want to create an horizontal space in all senses, so we ask participants to be actively involved in creating and taking care of the spaces and meals.

For this CI Maratona we are happy to have Arnau Millà-Benseny who will take care of music, silence and other sounding elements.

more info:

ci maraton