Global Undescore 2017 | Jam | Authentic movement
June 24 -25 – Spazio Seme, Arezzo Tuscany Italy
with Caterina Mocciola (IT) and Anjelika Doniy (RU)
Donation event
Underscore and Global
The Underscore is a framework for practicing and researching dance improvisation that Nancy Stark Smith has been developing since 1990 based on her work with Contact Improvisation. It is an open score that guides dancers through a series of “changing states”, from solo deepening/releasing and sensitizing to gravity and support; through group circulation and interaction, contact improvisation engagements, opening out to full space improvisation with compositional awareness.
The Global Underscore is practiced globally and simultaneously every year for the Summer Solstice. It was proposed, for the first time, by Clair Filmon in 2000, following her desire to connect dancers from all over the world to create and compose all together in the present moment.
Authentic movement class
Authentic Movement is a self-directed movement form.
One moves with eyes closed in the presence of a witness. With eyes closed, the mover brings awareness to inner sensation, while the witness notices his/her own experience while being totally present in seeing the mover. The simplicity of this form is its power. We will explore the action of seeing and being seen, the dynamic interplay that is at the heart of both the therapeutic dyad and dance.
We move, voice and sense into our inner impulses, we let nature move into us and out of us, nature becomes our witness and our mover.
We give ourselves the time to exchange, reflect, write and dance, I will be there to accompany you in the silence and in the expression. I will use deep bodywork to give the body to open for the new feelings
and mind to calm.
Anjelika Doniy –
I have studied to be a choreographer, I´ve been taught various skills of training and means of teaching the body of another person. In my “archive” there are many stage pieces from folk dance to ballet miniatures. My work in the Theatre has been the tastiest. The actors, direction and dramaturgy broadened my mind and my image of the dance art form. I began to see how the art of charming the audience is created.
Since I´ve met contact improvisation and the first CI teachers, I practice the art of de-educating the body of another person and disentangling the illusions about movement and dance.
CI is the only dance that helps me leave the limits of personality and transform my consciousness. In this sense I´m the student, not the teacher. The better I learn, the more chances have the others to learn something from me.
Caterina Mocciola
I am an Italian/Australian performer and teacher, an enthusiastic supporter of Contact Impravisation, my lynchpin in dance. I love integrating my CI practice with real-time composition and other disciplines. For over 10 years I’ve been facilitating the Underscore, teaching and organizing events around CI, internationally. Since 2015 I’ve facilitated the Underscore in Berlin at TanzFabrik, where I teach regular classes and for the Dance Intensive; I also offer classes at Marameo and Dance Works.
L’Underscore è una modalità per la pratica e la ricerca dell’improvvisazione nella danza che Nancy Stark Smith ha sviluppato a partire dal 1990 in parallelo con la Contact Improvisation. Si tratta di uno score aperto che guida i danzatori attraverso una seria di “cambiamenti di stato”, da momenti di assolo dedicati al release e alla sensibilizzazione alla gravità e al supporto che essa offre; attraverso interazioni a livello di gruppo, danze di contact improvisation, si apre la possibilità di immergersi in improvvisazioni caratterizzate da consapevolezza compositiva.
Sono una performer e insegnante italo-australiana. Sono un’entusiasta sostenitrice della Contact Improvisation ed amo integrare la mia pratica con composizione istantanea e altre discipline. Da 10 anni facilito l’Underscore, insegno e organizzo eventi legati alla CI a livello internazionale. Dal 2015 propongo l’Underscore a Berlino presso il Tanzfabrik, dove insegno per lezioni regaolari e al Dance Intensive. Offro inoltre lezioni anche al Marameo.
Authentic movement class – Anjelika Doniy –
The international workshop takes place at Spazio Seme (Via del Pantano, 36) in Arezzo – Tuscany (IT).
You can sleep for the night at the studio in Spazio Seme, please bring your own mattress and sleeping bag. If have any special needs (especially about food), let us know and we’ll try to accomodate at our best!
Cost: donation!
We have decided to continue experimenting with the concept of donation, as it’s our desire of supporting alternative economical systems where the contribution paid is based on what you can afford. The donation offered will cover studio cost, food, accomodation, and the teachers’ fees, which the Spazio Seme has decided to guarantee no matter how much money is received. We leave it entirely up to every participant to donate according to each individual financial situation, some people might donate more than others, and in the end, we trust that there will be plenty. There are many places around the world where this concept is practiced and Spazio Seme is willing to embrace this practice in order to offer a sustainable economic model for people that are interested in participating and also to start spreading a different way of becoming aware about money.
for info and subscriptions: – – 3383366049 –