Intensive workshop and jam with Leilani Weis (18h class + Jam)
Dec. 5th – 8th @ Spazio Seme (Arezzo, tuscany – IT)
50% discount for people who come from abroad!
In questi giorni di laboratorio intensivo sono interessata particolarmente ai momenti dove si accende una scintilla nella nostra danza, dove sperimentiamo e ricerchiamo una grande chiarezza su quello che accade sia a livello fisico che energetico.
Domande alle quali cercheremo di dare una risposta attraverso il movimento e riflettendo, trovando l’informazione dentro di noi anche danzando insieme agli altri. Torneremo alla semplicità di una ricerca onesta, cercando di dimenticare quello che crediamo di sapere sulla Contact.
Estoy días estoy particularmente interesada en los momentos donde se enciende una luz especial en nuestra danza, cuando hay una gran claridad de lo que sucede físicia y energéticamente.
Preguntas a las que encontraremos respuestas danzando y reflexionando, encontrando la información dentro de nosotros mismos junto a otros. Volveremos a una búsqueda simple y honesta, tratando de olvidar lo que creemos saber de la Contact.
This intensive workshop is particularly focused on those moments when we light a spark in our dance, when we experience and are looking for a great clarity on what happens both physically and energetically.
We will try to answer to the arising questions through the movement, searching and finding information in ourselves, dancing with other people. We will return to the simplicity of an honest research, trying to forget what we think we know about the Contact.

Saturday 5 dec
– 16.00 – 19.00 class – after dinner Jam
Sunday 6 dec
– from 10.00am to 1.00pm class
– from 14.30pm to 17.30pm class
after dinner Jam
Monday 7 dec
from 10.00am to 1.00pm class
from 14.30pm to 17.30pm class and Jam
Tuesday 8 dec
from 10.00am to 1.00pm class
from 14.30pm to 16.30pm – Jam
The workshop is 155 € if you subscribe before november 22th (only saturday dinner isn’t included) – 170 € for subscriptions after november 22th.
50% discount for people who come from abroad
The workshop takes place at Spazio Seme ( Via del Pantano, 36) in Arezzo – Tuscany (IT)
You can stay in Spazio Seme even for the night, with the sleeping bags. If there are some special needs (especially about food), let us know and we’ll try to manage at best!
for info and subscriptions: – – 3383366049 –