CLEA Project – Erasmus +


Italy – Denmark – Portugal – Greece

Start: 01 | 09 | 2020 – End: 31| 08 | 2022



Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education



“The Community Living Educ-Actions are open ecosystems based on social innovation and participatory processes to enhance new socio-economic, educative and healthy living models”


In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, traditional disciplinary approaches to the framing and resolution of social and economic problems deliver ever diminishing returns (as demonstrated by the emergency related to COVID-19) Inclusive adult education is the key to sustainability and prosperity of society in future and entrepreneurial, social and civic competences becoming more relevant in order to ensure resilience and ability to adapt to change.


The aim of the project team is to explore how we can respond to social and educational problems with a “living community-led co-design” and an “asset-oriented ethos”, supporting positive social change and the development of local, national, international adult educational policy discourse. Our project, moreover, is inspired by the encyclical “Laudato Si”, to put the “Care of the Common Home” into practice. It corresponds to key principles of adult education stated in Manifesto for Adult Learning in the 21st Century; to the OECD Education 2030 framework; is intended to respond to the objectives of the EU Council that in 2018 states: Non-formal and informal learning play an important role in supporting the development of essential interpersonal, communicative and cognitive skills. The project partnership is determined to consolidate an inclusive and multi-agent strategy for adult education, based on a multiplicity of disciplines and learning languages, tackling adult educational poverty and educational exclusion through an innovative methodology and inclusive community learning environments, contributing to: extend and develop educator’s competences; increase the explicit educational power of the participatory and active citizenship processes; Integrate teaching / learning methods through different transformative languages and experiences.


The main assets are: Social entrepreneurship, community health and generative welfare. (Sintagmi coordinator Italy); Education for active citizenship (Casa seis Portugal); Development and validation of competences and inclusive learning languages (Seme – Italy); exchange, between cultures, of artistic languages for educational purposes (Quilombo Lab Greece); international strategic consultancy and organizational health (Ivan Haus Co. Denmark).



Individuals and communities; educators and professionals (including artists); enterprises/organizations implementing social innovation. A large range of participants will be involved (at list 200).


A) Establish Inclusive cross- sectorial networks in partner countries to overcome adult educational poverty and increase accessible learning opportunities and;

B) A formal European network providing adult educational opportunities.

C) The Community Living Educ-Action Framework And Toolkit, a positive Educational program, based on an “Humanistic-Evidence Based Interdisciplinary Educative method”;

D) The multimedia tools in open format, both for educators and for stakeholders and beneficiaries.

E) A friendly model to certify the transformative competences (according with the OECD Education 2030 model).

F) A simultaneous global event designed and implemented by the partnership and its network.


The project team will Identify at EU level, successful processes and methodologies in community participatory paths, enhancing individual and community informal learning, also through the recognition of the transformative and citizenship entrepreneurial developed competences. Develop and elicit educational values and skills in organizations and contexts not formally intended for education. The Community Living Educ-Actions are privileged environments being open ecosystems involving and motivating innovation processes of participants, stimulating collaboration between citizens and facilitating and accelerating the creation and sustainability of new socio-economic, educative and healthy living models. The socio-educational innovation for inclusion is the main goal we are looking for.


1.Kick-off meeting in Italy: team building, working out a detailed methodology and acivity plan, distributing responsibilities.

2.Short-term joint staff training event in Portugal.

3.Short-term joint staff training event in Denmark.

4.Short-term joint staff training event in Greece.

5.Final TP meeting in Italy finalising the results, preparing them for final dissemination, evaluation of the results achieved and working on the project final report. Urban performance.


It will be guaranteed by the stakeholder engagement and the continuity of the partnership even beyond the end of the project, proposing a joint and shared educational model and program at European and international level. The formal network will be extended to Spain, Germany, Ireland, Brasil, Chile, Tunisia, Marocco, India, Capo Verde and beyond.

The UNESCO CID one of the main stakeholder for dissemination with several associated partner.

The project will Identify, at EU level, successful processes and methodologies in community participatory paths, enhancing individual and community informal learning, also through the recognition of the transformative developed competences.

It will consolidate local socio-educational networks to face adult educational poverty and promote inclusive and innovative educational methods at European level, involving organizations and contexts not formally intended for education.

Partner of CLEA:

Sintagmi impresa sociale srl | (Umbria) Italy

SEME s.n.c | (Tuscany) Italy
Casa Seis Associação para o Desenvolvimento Comunitário IPSS | Portugal




partners map